Beccles Townlands Charity - News & Events

During the course of a year we are pleased to support Beccles organisations and events that are of benefit to the town.  The following are some of the most recent initiatives we have been involved in.

Town Trust donates towards new car park for church and community centre

A town trust has donated money towards a new car park for a church and community centre.

Beccles Salvation Army Church and Community Centre has been fundraising for a new car park toimprove accessibility for the elderly, disabled and parents with children. The Beccles TownlandsTrust presented the church with a donation before a Sunday service earlier this month. HarryWoods, the church leader, expressed gratitude to the Beccles Townlands Trust on behalf of thechurch and the wider Beccles community. He stated that the project would not have been possiblewithout the Trust’s support.

The Beccles Townlands Trust has been assisting locals in need since 1544.

Beccles and Bungay Journal September 14th
Photo caption: l to r – Harry Woods, Church Leader, Feoffee Jennifer Langeskov and Feoffee Ken Legget

80th Anniversary of Pilot Eric Fox’s Bravery

Beccles Townlands Charity was pleased to contribute towards the cost of a memorial dedicated to RAF Pilot Fox, whose memorial was officially opened on 3rd August 2024. 

The wording on the memorial tells the story of this brave wartime RAF pilot. Please click on the photograph to enlarge.

Click to enlarge

Sir John Leman School - unveiling of plaque

As reported in a previous article, in 2023 the Feoffees donated funds to enable the school to upgrade its lighting and sounds systems, while also funding the replacement of 50 year old curtains for the hall. In July 2024 a plaque commemorating Beccles Townlands Charity was unveiled, with Head Teacher Sarah Hartshorn, Teacher Richard Ainslee and Feoffees Ken Leggett and Jennifer Langeskov in attendance.

Afterwards students gave a demonstration of their remarkable skills using the DMX controlled lights and the LED technology which had been installed.

Richard Ainslee, who runs the Lighting Club said: ‘ The kindness and generosity shown by the Feoffees is testament to their aim of having a positive impact and legacy upon the town and people of Beccles.’

A report with photo appeared in the Beccles and Bungay journal.

Photo to follow

Albert Pye and Ravensmere Schools - End of Term Show

Sixty children from the above schools were able to enjoy a trip to London in June 2023 to see the West End show, The Lion King, thanks to a donation from Beccles Townlands Charity.  Apart from the excitement of the show, they all enjoyed a short tour of London, taking in some of the famous landmarks.

A spokesperson from the school stated: ‘The look on the children’s faces throughout the show and hearing them talk about it days after makes these trips so worthwhile and without your help it may not have happened.’  On the back of this experience the theme of the end of term show was very much the Lion King, with the children singing songs from the show and beating drums with great gusto.

Photo to follow

Gordon Hickman 1944 - 2024 Obituary

Gordon completed 34 years of service to the Trust before resigning in December 2019. He had been a much valued Trustee, ensuring our properties were well maintained, and news of his death after a long period of illness was received with great sadness.

Gordon’s first job in 1959 was with Masters & Skevens, where he worked his way up to a managerial position. In 1993 he decided to go it alone and Hickman Supplies was launched. He retired in 2014 when his son Neil took over the management of the company.

Throughout his life Gordon was interested in sport. He played for Beccles Caxton Football Club, Suffolk School Boys, Beccles Town Cricket Club, Beccles Town Bowls Club and Beccles Indoor Bowls. After his playing years he was chairman of Beccles Town Cricket Club from 1987 – 1991 and 1995 to 1999.

Apart from the Feoffees, Gordon contributed to the town through his membership of both Beccles Round Table and the 41 Club.

Beccles Lido - 2024 season

Once again Beccles Townlands Charity was pleased to support Beccles Lido  by funding the installation of a new kitchen. 

Shaun Crowley, director of Beccles Lido said: ‘We are very grateful to them for their generous grant for our new kitchen, which will support the Lido’s catering operation.  Our cafe is an important part of the Lido’s income and the old facilities were both outdated and falling apart.’ Beccles Townlands Charity Trustee Jennifer Langeskov was invited to try out the new coffee making equipment and said: ‘The Lido is a fantastic facility and a truly important asset for the town which we are proud to continue to support’.

The Lido continues to attract people from far and wide, offering a variety of swimming opportunities throughout the year  – from triathlons to winter chill swims.

Beccles Townlands Charity ‘Feoffees’ donated £10,000 for the gates

Grand steel gates with links to monarchy have officially been unveiled at a town’s common. Beccles mayor Christine Wheeler cut the ribbon to formally recognise that the repair and refurbishment of the gates at Beccles Common at the end of The Avenue have now been finished.

The work was made possible the Beccles Townlands Charity, which donated £10,000 towards the cost of the project. Contractor Paul Stoddart from Kingdom Forge completed the work. He said: “It was a lengthy process to totally restore the old iron gates, which to be honest were rather ruined and in a terrible state. I was always going to be a big job to replace the gates, which are between six and seven tonnes of iron, but we are all very happy now the job has been completed. We have also had a lot of positive feedback from the public too which is always nice.”

The original gates date back to the 1800s, though were replaced in 1977 in honour of the Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II. But in August 2022 the gates were damaged by a contractor’s vehicle which hit them. Since then they became unsafe and were even vandalised, triggering the town council to act.

Beccles mayor, Christine Wheeler, said: “On behalf of the town council, I am delighted that the gates are back in place and that they look so beautiful. They provide a suitably grand entrance to the Common.

Beccles and Bungay Journal 26th April 2024

The Mayor of Beccles, Christine Wheeler, cutting the ribbon to officially open the refurbished gates with new pillars. With her are Feoffee Jennifer Langeskov of the Beccles Townlands Charity and Contractor Paul Stoddart.

Beccles Forest School

In 2023 Beccles Forest School was rated as outstanding in all areas by Ofsted, an accolade welcomed by all involved in this unique educational experience. 

The School is situated on The Wild Meadow, accessed from the Common and has been running for five years.  It offers activities for all ages – from 2 with no upper age limit – with the emphasis on outdoor activities including tree climbing, shelter building, camp-fire cooking and free-roaming outdoor play.  It is child-led with an emphasis on developing confidence, independence and resilience.

In early 2024 The Forest School requested funding for a six-week two hour youth course which was in danger of being cancelled.  With our support they were able to offer this provision after Easter this year.

The photos show the children in the covered central meeting place, enjoying tasks by the river and learning how to handle tools safely.

Beccles and Bungay Journal Article – 9th February 2024

BECCLES TOWNLANDS CHARITY, also known as The Feoffees, dates back to 1544, with a proud history of serving the town and its inhabitants over almost five centuries. The funds that we preside over are thanks to legacies from our forebears and judicious investment over the years, overseen by the Charities Commission.

We receive requests for assistance from many organisations and individuals and we are anxious that Beccles people be made aware of our existence. Further information can be found on our website at

Examples of grants given during the 2023 financial year include those for upgrading theatre equipment at the Sir John Leman High School and assistance with projects at both the Albert Pye and Ravensmere Primary Schools. Other organisations that have benefitted include Beccles Library in the form of new tables and chairs, the Fox & Hounds Social Club with safety equipment and Beccles Salvation Army for the creation of parking spaces.

As far as the town itself is concerned we support the Citizens Advice Bureau on an annual basis as well as Beccles and District Museum, the latter of which is run entirely by volunteers and enables them to put on their regular exhibitions and to preserve their excellent collection of artefacts.

Church buildings form part of the fabric of our town and are reminders of our past. Their upkeep is costly and in addition to their own fund-raising we contributed last year to St Michael’s Parish Church through their food bank and repairs to the west end gable. St Luke’s Church has also been a beneficiary.

We are always keen to help young people and last year supported Beccles Bombers Basketball Club, Beccles Amateur Sailing Club, Beccles Disability Football and Beccles Caxton Football Club. Other grants have gone to Beccles Society of Artists and to individuals who needed help in a variety of ways.

If you or your organisation feels you might qualify for assistance, please visit our website mentioned earlier and complete the application form. On the website under News and Events you will find further information of the support we have given. We look forward to hearing from you.

(published in Beccles and Bungay Journal – 9th February 2024 and Community News)